Black Robe

Three European nations -- Spain, France, and England -- explored North America during the sixteenth century. Although the Spanish were the first to settle on the continent, the French and English became the principal players in the struggle for colonial supremacy in the area during the seventeenth century. You've already read about the settlement of English North America and are probably familiar with the movie The New World, which depicts the English experience at Jamestown. You may know less, however, about the settlement of New France, which is portrayed in Black Robe, a film that follows the travels of Jesuit Father Paul Laforgue in New France during the 1630s. Here, you may earn extra credit for watching and reviewing Black Robe.

1 | Watch Black Robe online | link | link
2 | Read about the film | link
3 | Write a 650-word review | Compare the way the French, Huron, and Iroquois viewed the world and discuss the consequences of their views.
4 | Submit your review to the dropbox in MS Word for 10 pts by Oct 14.
Black Robe

History Department | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Sam Houston State University